Some existing AD accounts corrupt Win 7 - "Invalid Value For Registry" error
Hi, We have been experiencing this issue ever since we decided to start deploying Windows 7 PCs in our AD domain 6 months ago. At random times a random user will log onto a Win 7 PC and all of a sudden will not be able to open Windows Explorer, Computer, Control Panel and most general Windows built in Control Panel apps. The error upon opening Windows Explorer is: Explorer.exe "Invalid Value For Registry" Through troubleshooting the issue i have found i can reproduce the error at will by using the "Switch User" function in Win 7. If i logon to any Win 7 PC with multiple AD accounts and switch user between the accounts. Within a few minutes a brand new freshly built Win 7 machine will be completely corrupted and unusable. The next test i carried out was to create 4 brand new test AD user accounts and carry out the same switching between multiple logged on users to repeat the issue/error. I could not make the error happen with the new AD accounts. We use roaming profiles, but have also tested just deleting the user profile from the server and giving the affected AD account a new profile that it still corrupts Win 7, which leads me to believe that the fault lies within the actual AD user account object. Some of the user accounts are quite old and would have been used to logon to a variety of PCs from Windows 2000, XP and Terminal Servers. The event logs dont really provide any real clues. But have been looking at this now for months and am completely stumped as to what could be causing the issue. Any help or if someone has come across a similar issue would be greatly appreciated.
May 26th, 2011 1:49pm

try to narrow down the issue. 1.does this happen to fresh windows 7 machine. 2. did u try old user with no roaming profile. disable roaming profile for time being and check with usrs
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May 26th, 2011 7:00pm

(This is a reply, not an answer, technically.) Our Canadian customer is experiencing the same problem. We are attempting to reproduce the problem ourselve in our testing, and hope an answer can be found soon. We will add more details as we get them. For example, the {26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683} CLSID keeps reappearing in the error messages; something to do with Control Panel or imageres.dll icons?
July 15th, 2011 12:20pm

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